B corp Month: Free Seeds with Orders in March!
To celebrate B Corp Month, we're gifting you a selection of free seeds with every order throughout March. It's our way of spreading the spirit of growth, nature, and the promise of brighter days ahead.🌱✨
What's Inside Your Seed Collection:
1. Lavender Seeds: Known for its calming aroma and vibrant purple blooms, lavender is more than just a garden delight. Discover the art of cultivating this versatile herb and infuse your space with tranquility.

How to Plant Your Seeds:
1. Prepare Your Soil:
- Choose a well-draining soil mix, preferably rich in organic matter.
- Fill your seed trays or pots with the soil, leaving about half an inch from the top.
2. Planting the Seeds:
- Sprinkle the lavender seeds lightly on the soil surface. Press them gently into the soil but avoid burying them too deep.
- Lemon balm seeds can be sown in a similar manner. Space them evenly to allow for proper growth.
3. Watering:
- Use a gentle spray or mist to moisten the soil. Ensure it's consistently damp, not waterlogged.
- Place your pots or trays in a warm, sunny spot. Both lavender and lemon balm thrive in sunlight.
4. Germination:
- Be patient; germination times can vary. Lavender seeds typically take 2-3 weeks, while lemon balm may sprout sooner.
- Once sprouted, ensure they get enough light, and continue to water consistently.
5. Transplanting:
- When your seedlings are strong enough, transplant them into larger pots or directly into your garden.
Bonus Tips:
- Lavender and lemon balm are excellent companion plants for your garden.
- Harvest lavender blooms for aromatic sachets or teas.
- Lemon balm leaves make a delightful addition to teas and culinary dishes.
With every sprout, you're cultivating more than plants; you're nurturing a connection to the natural world. Share your seedling journey with us on our social media channels, Instagram & Facebook, let's grow together this B Corp Month! 🌿🌼
Shop now to get your free seeds with your next order.