Grow your own botanicals | Having them on hand when you need a swift one!
We've all been there staring at a gin and tonic with no garnish. Of course, good quality gin such as Warner’s, will taste great without garnish. However, if you like to add a bit of theatre then garnishing your drinks is the best way to make your drink an experience and lift those spirits even further - in all senses!Warner's use an abundance of fresh ingredients grown on their farm in Harrington including angelica, lavender and lemon verbena. These botanicals make their gorgeous gins so flavoursome. So, adding a few more to your glass only serves to make things extra special. But what's even better is if you have the satisfaction of growing them yourself and it's easier than you think.
Herbs are a great place to start as many of them can be grown from a seed and we're fast approaching sowing season (late March time as we enter spring!). An old warner's delivery box, a bit of compost and a few seeds is all you need to start growing your own lemon balm, mint, basil...even edible violas if you want to get really fancy, the possibilities are endless!
You can grow them outside in the warmer months, or even on your windowsill inside the house, so everyone can have a go no matter where you are.
Fast forward to those winter months (already I know, sorry!), and you can store those home-grown botanicals easily too, so you can still enjoy them when the sunshine is long gone. Some herbs can be cut and dried like rosemary and lavender, but one great way to keep all of them is on ice! Botanical ice cubes are a fantastic way to always have your garnish ready to go - just splash them into your next glass. Simply fill an ice cube tray with water, add your favourite bits and pop them in the freezer.
As a lover of plants and gin, there's no way my gin glass is ever ungarnished and now you know a few of my secrets!
If you want to know more, give me a follow on Instagram @imtomcoleman - As I share tips and tricks for gardening, houseplants, home, gin and more! You'll be able to follow along as I start growing my latest seedlings too, I'll even be giving some away for free!