Sustainability Sunday: Time to reflect on the changing world
Sustainability Sunday: Time to reflect on the changing world
Spring is in the air. The bees are buzzing, trees and hedgerows are beginning to blossom and birds are flitting around chasing potential partners for a bit of seasonal ‘lovin’!
The sun is out, and you may be finding yourself with more time and opportunities to step outside during the day (in accordance with government guidelines on social distancing). This is a great time to reflect on the changing world. There is so much good and positivity to focus on right now that we should look to see how we can all be doing our part for the greater good. Whether you are volunteering for the NHS, looking out for a neighbour or keeping your little ones entertained, we can all be kind and approach our day-to-day lives with a big heart.
A healthy environment is so important for us and nature and green spaces help heal us. Did you know that ecotherapy is prescribed with proven benefits for mental health and wellbeing? Visit Mind for more information
Just because our national parks and public spaces may not be as accessible as they once were at this time, it doesn’t mean we can’t crack a window or step outside and see what is happening right under our nose.
If you are stuck indoors, you can help zoologists and climate scientist count penguins in the Antarctic by visiting Zooniverse penguin watch or help with whale conservation by studying images of wild beluga whales. If you’re lucky enough to have access to a garden, why not do a bird count for the British Trust for Ornithology or help with butterfly conservation on the big butterfly count ? There are also opportunities for those home schooling to explore opal surveys to step outside and give back to nature.