Upcycling your Gift of Nature Box into a planter
How to upcycle your Gift of Nature Box into a planter...
To turn your box into a planter to place in your home, all you need is the following:
- 1 gift of nature box
- Recycled bag
- Scissors
- Compost
- Plants
- A small watering can
Turn your box into a planter by simply adding compost into your box, after first lining the inside with a heavy duty plastic bag, this is to prevent wet soil permanently sitting next against the wood. You can use your imagination to great a genius piece of interior design, or create a fresh garnish box that would be the envy of any gin drinker. We have planted ours with here with Thyme, Sage, Mint and a little lemon verbena. Place in a light place such as a windowsill and water regularly.
- Remove the lid of your box and the wooden neck holder
- Line the inside of your box by recycling an old plastic bag by cutting into a rectangle
- Place the liner inside your box, fold and pleat the plastic and weigh down with compost
- Select your plants, and plant into the compost
- Top up with additional compost and fill up to 1 cm below the rim of the box and gently water in your plants
- Keep you plants watered regularly