Doing right by society

Doing right by society
To connect people to nature and all that is has to offer.
Providing staff volunteering opportunity to engage in nature conservation.
Through corporate memberships of conservation charities we can offer opportunities to staff to get their wellies on and hands dirty for nature.
Engage our local community in the value, improve and safeguard of our local area for biodiversity.
Feeding into the monthly parish council newsletter we share the value of our local area for biodiversity. Through the Harrington Biodiversity Action group we provide learning opportunities learning opportunities, opportunities for habitat management locally and engagement in citizen science.
Enable social mobilization through connecting to farm grown flavour and the wonder of nature.
Stepping outside can have significant benefits for physical and emotional wellbeing. The farm allows people to step outside into nature with gives opportunities for those who are struggling in society to benefit from activities and produce of the countryside to heal and empower.
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