Doing right by the planet

Doing right by the planet

Doing right by the planet

To increase biodiversity and take care of nature ,the way it takes care of us.

Using Falls Farm to create new habitat for wildlife, and safeguarding existing habitats for species conservation.

Wetland and wildflower meadow creation adjacent to our botanical gardens in partnership with the freshwater habitats trust

Ensure waste management eliminates risk of pollution of the land, water bodies and atmosphere

Utilise approved waste management providers to assist us in achieving zero to landfill. Staff to assist in litter picks to help clean our local area

Tackle our climate impacts advocating action on climate for species conservation

Commit to understanding our Scope 1,2 and 3 carbon emissions and set reduction targets to achieve net zero by 2050. Communications around climate will specifically highlight impacts on nature.

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B Corp certified
Footprint award winners